Tuesday, 28 July 2009

How 'NOT' to do a Curry

Well, I am a bit bitchy today. Who wouldn't, when people who cant make a cup of decent coffee turns a 'curry wizard' overnight? A friend of mine, who had spent the last 30 years of her exciting life evading the big 'K' word, mailed today saying that she cooked up chicken curry for her new TDH boyfriend!

I am pissed off at that. I swear that its not because she got a new TDH fellow. No. Positive. Its because she took the 'curry' so lightly.
Madam threw in 'lots' of ginger, 'lots' of garlic, 'lots' of onions, 'lots' of tomatoes, chicken, around a table spoon of turmeric powder, a jar of curry paste and another jar of yogurt and let the pot boil away merrily for an hour or so. No, she didn't have the magic wand the last time when we spoke, so I have a fairly good idea how that 'so called' curry would have turned out.

No, thats not the way a curry is made. (unless you are Harry Potter, that is) The curry have some ground rules. Here are a few:

1. Though all Indian chefs and housewives vouch that its always a 'pinch' of this and a 'pinch' of that, try to balance all spices and condiments - don't go over board with enthusiasm. Meaning, if its a pinch of 'this', it cant be a 'cup' of that - as far as spices go!
2. Never replace spices. For example, don't even think that you can throw in a tablespoon of cloves instead of cumin, as you don't have cumin in your kitchen cupboard. When in doubt, go without it!
3. Say no to cornflour as a thickening agent. Use onions, tomatoes, yogurt, coconut milk or cream as gravy. For kormas, use cashew nut or almond paste.
4. Olive oil does not go with Indian spices - healthy or not healthy.
5. Take the skin off the chicken, its difficult for spices to permeate otherwise.
6. Always keep the hot water handy as adding cold water during cooking will destroy flavours.
7. Let the oil heat up before adding spices. Also, its always better to add lemon juice after all cooking is finished, the lemon turns bitter if added during cooking.
8. No, no to chilly paste and Tabasco in curry. Ditto with chutneys, jams and condensed milk. Ask for Kashmiri chilly powder in the Indian grocery stores which gives all the colour but not the heat.
9. Curries are strong enough to face the world, they don't need alcohol in them. Stay off!
10. Finally, don't blame the curry if it stops trying when you keep on adding 'stuff' to it- there is a limit to Curry also, as to what it can comfortably carry off. You just cant endlessly 'extend' a curry by tipping in the entire contents of the vegetable tray.
So, now you have got the 10 commandments. But remember, curry is not a burger - its not that fast! It requires time and effort and yes, attention. Now, don't shoot the messenger.....

By the way, if you are wondering, the boyfriend is still with her, breathing and all.

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